JD Core Courses


Course CodeCourse NameSemesterScheduleCourse Convenor
JDOC1001 & JDOC1002Law of contract I & IIFull yearMon 0930-1230 (1st)
Mon 1430-1730 (2nd)

(1st) Benjamin Chen & Massimo Lando
(2nd) Stefan Lo
JDOC1003 & JDOC1004Criminal law I & IIFull yearThu 0930-1230 (1st & 2nd)(1st) Michael Hor
(2nd) Florence Lee
JDOC1005 & JDOC1006Law of tort I & IIFull yearWed 1430-1730 (1st & 2nd)Craig Purshouse & John Murphy
JDOC1007Legal system and legal research1stLegal research
Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri 0930-1230 [Aug 6, 7, 9, 12, 14 & 16]
Legal system
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu & Fri 1530-1730 [Aug 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 26, 28 & 30]
LR - Zenith Chan
LS - Eric Ip
JDOC1009Constitutional law1stThu 1430-1730Albert Chen & Cora Chan
JDOC1010Commercial law2ndThu 1430-1730Eva Tam
JDOC2001 & JDOC2002Equity and trusts I & IIFull yearMon 1830-2130 (1st & 2nd)Jed Kronocke
JDOC2003 & JDOC2004Land law I & IIFull yearTue 1430-1730 (1st)
Fri 1430-1730 (2nd)
(1st) Hui Jing
(2nd) Kelvin Low
JDOC3093Administrative law2ndWed 1830-2130Anthony Chan
Jin Pao
Zenith Chan

This page is for reference only. Updated information please refer to the Regulations and Syllabus and timetable.