
General Course Information

1.1 Course details

Course code: LLAW6158
Course name: Contract Law
Programme offered under: LLM Programme
Semester: Second
Prerequisites / Co-requisites: No
Credit point value: 9 credits

1.2 Course description

This course is designed to provide students enrolled in the LLM in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution or other programme who do not have a first degree in law to acquire sufficient knowledge and understanding of contract law. Students who thoroughly prepare for and participate in the course will be able to:

  • understand the theoretical and practical aspects of contract law such as the legal principles of this subject. Both common and civil law approaches will be dealt with.
  • analyze contract law problems by spotting the legal issues in which contractual obligations arise, identifying the relevant principles of contract law and applying the law to the legal problems in order to reach a solution.
  • understand the underlying philosophies and public policy considerations behind certain principles of contract law
  • engage in discussion of a variety of legal issues surrounding contract law
  • evaluate the functions that contract law plays in our society and the extent to which principles promote these functions.

The following topics will be covered:

Contractual and quasi-contract obligations: Introduction to contract law, approaches to contracts in civil and common law jurisdictions, contract types, formalities, formation of a contract under civil and common law systems, contents of contract, privity and third party rights, offer, revocation of offer, invitation to treat and acceptance, intention to create legal relationship, social and commercial agreements, consideration and promissory estoppel under civil and common law, consent and certainty, terms, representations, exclusion and limitation clauses, unfair contract terms, interpretation, effects and liabilities (civil and common law), misrepresentation in different jurisdictions, its remedies and rescission, mistake, illegal or prohibited contracts, performance and discharge, non-performance (breach), rules of remoteness and mitigation, remedies such as contractual damages, illegal contracts, undue influence, duress, good faith and unconscionability, fraud, frustration, agency (principal/agent and effects on third party), unjust enrichment.

1.3 Course teachers

Name E-mail address Office Consultation
Course convenor Alex Mak makalex@hku.hk CCT 704 By email

Learning Outcomes

2.1 Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) for this course

CLO 1 understand the theoretical and practical aspects of contract law such as the legal principles of this subject. Both common and civil law approaches will be dealt with.

CLO 2 analyze contract law problems by spotting the legal issues in which contractual obligations arise, identifying the relevant principles of contract law and applying the law to the legal problems in order to reach a solution.

CLO 3 understand the underlying philosophies and public policy considerations behind certain principles of contract law.

CLO 4 engage in discussion of a variety of legal issues surrounding contract law.

CLO 5 evaluate the functions that contract law plays in our society and the extent to which principles promote these functions.

2.2 LLM Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Please refer to the following link: https://course.law.hku.hk/llm-plo/

2.3 Programme Learning Outcomes to be achieved in this course



3.1 Assessment Summary

Assessment task Due date Weighting Feedback method* Course learning outcomes
Class participation N/A 20% 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Take home mid-term problem TBC 20% 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
End of term final in-hall exam TBC 60% 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
*Feedback method (to be determined by course teacher)
1 A general course report to be disseminated through Moodle
2 Individual feedback to be disseminated by email / through Moodle
3 Individual review meeting upon appointment
4 Group review meeting
5 In-class verbal feedback

3.2 Assessment Detail

To be advised by course convenor(s).

3.3 Grading Criteria

Please refer to the following link: https://www.law.hku.hk/_files/law_programme_grade_descriptors.pdf

Learning Activities

4.1 Learning Activity Plan

Seminar: 3 hours / week for 12 teaching weeks
Private study time: 9.5 hours / week for 12 teaching weeks

Remarks: the normative student study load per credit unit is 25 ± 5 hours (ie. 150 ± 30 hours for a 6-credit course), which includes all learning activities and experiences within and outside of classroom, and any assessment task and examinations and associated preparations.

4.2 Details of Learning Activities

To be advised by course convenor(s).

Learning Resources

5.1 Resources

Reading materials: Reading materials are posted on Moodle
Core reading list: TBA
Recommended reading list: TBA

5.2 Links

Please refer to the following link: http://www.law.hku.hk/course/learning-resources/